Horses From Heaven

Here at Hearts in Hand Horsemanship, we offer one-on-one sessions with our horses and individuals in need, or who simply want to learn about Natural Horsemanship. The smell of horse breath, a simple nuzzle and the feel of a strong, gentle animal under your seat can go a long way when dealing with anxiety, trauma, sadness and confusion. Sometimes we just need to fellowship with a horse in order to open up to the healing God wants for us.
Many horses have experienced the same hardships that we sometimes face. In fact, horses are one of the most afflicted animals on the planet. Our horses have all had their fair share of trials and tribulations, but they were all rescued from bad situations and, by the grace of God, brought to live with us on our farm. It is my belief that God teaches us about Himself, and His relationship to us through His horses.
He teaches us about grace, trust, forgiveness and faith. When you encounter true relationship with a horse, it can change your perspective for life. When you encounter true relationship with Jesus Christ, it will change your life forever. If you know someone who would benefit from the services we offer here at Hearts in Hand Horsemanship, please send them our information. We are truly honored to provide a safe space for hurting souls and to introduce them to our deep and loving furry family members.